Thursday, May 26, 2016

Georgia: A Top Destination for Surrogacy and Egg Donation

It goes without saying that desire of parenthood is natural and same for all human being, irrespective of their gender or sexual inclination. You’ve tried so hard. You’ve spent endless amounts of energy and money in your longing to create your family. But tests, time and tears have not produced results, and now you are wondering… what’s next?

What about egg donation or surrogacy? Choosing whether egg donation or surrogacy is right for you requires arming yourself with knowledge. Republic of Georgia has originated as one of the most important hubs for medical tourism. As more and more patients from Europe, the USA and other affluent nations with high medical costs look for effective options, healthcare tourism in Georgia is definitely on the cards for most of them.

Surrogacy in Georgia

Host (or gestational) surrogacy is when IVF is used, either with the eggs of the intended mother, or with donor eggs. The surrogate mother therefore does not use her own eggs, and is genetically unrelated to the baby. It is physically more complicated and considerably more expensive than straight surrogacy and always takes place in a fertility clinic.

There are three stages to host surrogacy:

  • Egg donation: the female IP, or the egg donor, undergo special procedures to extract a number of eggs
  • Fertilisation: the egg is fertilised with semen in the laborator
  • Transfer: the fertilised egg is transferred into the womb of the surrogate mother

If your doctor reports that you need an egg donor, you may grieve about losing the genetic link to your child. Take time to process this loss. Many intended parents choose to focus on the joy of raising a child regardless of physical characteristics. Surrogacy is the act of carrying a child for prospective parents. The child may be genetically theirs, or the egg and sperm may be obtained from donors. There’s so much to think about. Take time out. Learn all you can and do not hesitate to contact us for help.

Article Source:

PlacidWay Medical Tourism


  1. Beautiful article. People that become surrogates or donate their eggs are truly wonderful.

  2. This is great information. If we had this back then, I would have been an egg donor.

    1. It's never to late to become an egg donor. How old are you Esme?

  3. Wow! I had no idea so much was involved in surrogacy. This is such a beautiful gift and experience for those who are unable to carry their baby <3

    1. You're right Rachel, and this can really help especially to our bros and sisters who are on same sex relationship to build their own family.

  4. My friend was an egg donor. It helps so many people.

    1. The same with my sister and it can really bring happiness to others.

  5. So thankful for people who share their eggs. I was willing to use an egg donor when we were trying for number 4 but I was able to conceive on my own.

    1. Congrats for your number 4. Egg donation can really be a big help but having babies on you own is much more great.

  6. I have never really looked into egg donation. If I ever couldn't conceive, my husband and I decided to adopt because there are so many children in the world in need of a home, both in America and out.

    1. Thanks Taylor for your comment. yes we have different views about egg donation and adopting homeless children is another great way to build once family especially for those children. I admire your idea of adopting to help those children.

  7. Such great information! So many out there want children that aren't able to have them, thank you for sharing this great info.

  8. my daughter and her husband are striving to have a baby and following their dr this may be an option in the end for them but we will just wait and see
    come see us at

  9. Such great information. I wish we had the money years ago to try this.

  10. Thanks for sharing this great article, this might be the answer for my sister in law pregnancy problem. It’s been 5 years now and still she can’t conceive, I will let her know about this.

  11. This post is very informative, there are many couples suffering from not having a baby but surely this will help a lot of couples in finding the answer!

  12. I think it's very selfless when someone serves as a surrogate. It's beyond amazing, actually.

  13. I have a friend who's been trying for years to have a baby with no success. How can I share this with her without being offensive or imposing? so that she knows i'm just tryna be helpful

  14. Not everyone has the same experience when it comes to conceiving and some people need more options than the natural way. It's good to know we have options like this for parents who are having a difficult time with it.

  15. This post hits close to home as we are currently undergoing IVF. Thankful surrogacy is an option for many!

  16. I think this is such a great post. It's so great that there are these amazing options out their for those that want a baby.

  17. Great post! I had no idea.

  18. Great post, it welcomes basically everyone to more about the process and what happens with surrogacy. I've watched a movie about someone doing it for the very idea of helping out and it's beyond loving.

  19. It is so amazing that we have the abilities that we do now. It is so incredible that people are willing to donate their eggs, time and bodies!

  20. I can relate this to the experience of what my brother & his wife went through & they finally choose IVF process & they succeeded in getting twins a year back. I agree Surrogacy is a sensitive thing & you need to sit & think about it & go ahead.

  21. Awesome post! Donors are amazing! 100% amazing gift indeed!

  22. This is awesome! So many couples going through infertility, it's great there are resources like this they can consider.
