In the past, orthodontic procedures seemed to consist mostly of braces for teenagers to fix poorly aligned teeth or jaw structure. Now, more adults are getting orthodontic procedures done not only to fix problems with alignment and bite, but also to make the mouth look more esthetically pleasing.
In some cases, getting an orthodontic procedure can not only make the teeth look more attractive, but as a way to alleviate pain when eating or that interferes with speaking. Orthodontics can positively affect a person at any age, and can prevent further complications or damage caused by incorrectly growing teeth, jaw structure as well as conditions caused by illness or accidents.
Finally, not only do straight teeth look and feel better, they are also easier to clean and maintain, maintain dental health.
Popular Orthodontics Procedures
- Traditional braces
- Invisalign
Invisalign -A relatively new idea in orthodontics, Invisalign is a clear plastic mold that aligns the teeth without the use of braces. After obtaining impressions of the mouth, the orthodontist will use a computer to create clear retainers that will progressively align the teeth. The first retainer fits the teeth in the beginning of the treatment, and the following retainers will work to move them into alignment with gentle pressure. While each individual may use a different number of retainers until they achieve the result they want, it generally takes between 18 and 30 retainers to complete treatment. Each retainer is worn for two weeks before the next one is used.
Know more about your options for Orthodontics Treatment Abroad. Talk to us!
PlacidWay Medical Tourism
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