Monday, November 23, 2015

IVF Basics

Couples seeking infertility procedures often have questions. Whether receiving fertility treatments at home or abroad, understanding the in vitro fertilization process will help couples decide which infertility facilities or services best meet their needs.

One of the most common questions that couples ask is in regard to sperm and/or egg donors, for example, is whether the fertility specialist or facility have photographs of the donors hair color, eye color, height and weight, and other personal data.

While confidentiality is an issue, do prospective IVF parents have a right to know such things? Do you know the processes involved in IVF procedures? Are you familiar with procedures within the facility or lab in regard to embryo classification, or whether eggs are frozen or fresh?

These are just some of the questions a potential couple exploring the topic of IVF may wish to ask. Ask your doctor and/or fertility expert or specialist about any questions you have. They'll be happy to answer as many of them as they can.

Learn more about the Basics of IVF -

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